
EmberJS - Set Current User Service - 20 Jan 2016

If you’re using the ember simple auth addon for authentication, then you’ll likely want to setup a service for setting the current user. Here’s an example of overriding the session service to setup a currentUser.

  import Ember from 'ember';
  import SimpleSession from "ember-simple-auth/services/session";
  const { get, set, observer } = Ember;
  const { service } = Ember.inject;

  export default SimpleSession.extend({
    store: service(),

    setCurrentUser: observer('isAuthenticated', async function() {
      if (get(this, 'isAuthenticated')) {
        const user = await get(this, 'store').queryRecord('user', {});
        set(this, 'currentUser', user);

The key pieces to notice are that we’re extending the original ember-simple-auth session service. We’re also injecting the store service, which lets us fetch our user through ember-data.

The actual logic we’re adding to the session service is in the setCurrentUser observer. This observer watches the isAuthenticated property, and fetches the user based on the auth header.

Here’s an example of accessing the currentUser through a component.

  import Ember from 'ember';
  const { service } = Ember.inject;

  export default Ember.Component.extend({
    session: service()

Here’s the template:

  {{#if session.isAuthenticated}}