
Google Search Map - 03 Dec 2015

If your application offers a location based search page, then adding an interactive map can be a great way to help users find new locations. It also adds a polished feel to your search page. Here’s a brief look at how you can add an interactive map using the google maps API.

The first thing you’ll need to do is come up with coordinates for your user’s location. Depending on your search functionality, this can happen on the server or client side. Once you have your coordinates, you can add them to a map container. Here’s an example using ruby/erb.

  <div id="map-container" data-lat=<%= @location.latitude %>
    data-lng=<%= @location.longitude %>></div>

You’ll need to provide some basic styling for your map-container. Here’s some sample CSS to get you started:

  #map-container {
    margin-top: 40px
    height: 600px
    width: 80%
    background-color: white
    background-repeat: no-repeat
    background-position: center
    margin-left: auto
    margin-right: auto
    outline: 1px solid gray
    outline-offset: 4px

Once you have your markup finished, we can add the javascript necessary to get your map working. The first thing you’ll need to do is include the google places library, you can do so with the following script tag:

  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

You’ll then need to add some javascript for displaying the map in your container. Here’s the coffeescript for doing that:

  $ ->
    if $('#map-container').length > 0
      latitude = parseFloat($('#map-container').data('lat'))
      longitude = parseFloat($('#map-container').data('lng'))

      map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-container'), {
        center: { lat: latitude, lng: longitude },
        zoom: 14

      google.maps.event.addListener map, 'bounds_changed', ->
          type: 'POST',
          url: '/api/marker-endpoint',
          data: { coords: map.getBounds().toUrlValue() },
          success: googleAddMarkers.bind(map)

Most of the logic here is just to turn our map container into an interactive map using google’s library. The main difference you’ll notice is at the end. We’ve added an event listener for bounds_changed.

This event listener will submit a request to an endpoint you’ve setup on your server. Your endpoint will take the bounding values provided by our map, and return an array of locations within that bounding box. This is how we’ll show markers for each location returned by your search.

Here’s an example endpoint using Ruby on Rails and the Geocoder library.

  render json: Location.within_bounding_box(params[:coords].split(','))
    .pluck(:lat, :lng, :name, :id)

We’re searching locations using the coordinates provided by our map container, and then grabbing the latitude, longitude, name, and id of our location. You only need to return the latitude and longitude, but it’s helpful to provide a title and id for our markers. These values will allow us to provide labels and URLs for our markers.

Once we’ve finished adding our endpoint, we can add the googleAddMarkers function to our javascript.

  googleAddMarkers = (data) ->
    map = this
    $.each data, (index, location) ->
      marker = new google.maps.Marker({
        position: {lat: Number(location[0]), lng: Number(location[1])},
        map: map,
        title: location[2],
        url: '/locations/' + location[3]
      google.maps.event.addListener marker, 'click', ->
        window.location.href = this.url

You’ll need to update this function to work with your API response, but the key attributes you need to provide are the position and map. The title is used for adding a label to the marker, and the url is added for our click handler.

If you’re not returning a URL to use with your markers, you can remove the click event listener. It’s designed to turn the markers on your map into links that the user can click on.

While you’ll likely need to make some changes to get the map working for you specific application, this is a great starting point to help you get there. Good luck!