
New Gem with Bundler - 29 Mar 2012

Creating and publishing a new Ruby gem is quick and simple with Bundler. To get started, just make sure that you have Bundler installed:

gem install bundler

You can then create your gem with: bundle gem gem_name. All of the configuration can then be done in your gem_name.gemspec file.

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
require File.expand_path('../lib/jtv/version', __FILE__) do |gem|
  gem.authors       = ["Mockra"]         = [""]
  gem.description   = %q{Gem Description}
  gem.summary       = %q{Gem Summary}
  gem.homepage      = ""

  gem.files         = `git ls-files`.split($\)
  gem.executables   = gem.files.grep(%r{^bin/}).map{ |f| File.basename(f) }
  gem.test_files    = gem.files.grep(%r{^(test|spec|features)/})          = "jtv"
  gem.require_paths = ["lib"]
  gem.version       = Jtv::VERSION

  gem.add_development_dependency 'rspec'
  gem.add_dependency 'json'
  gem.add_dependency 'oauth'

Adding gem dependencies is simple with gem.add_dependency. Simply run bundle install to install your gem dependencies. You can also specify a gem description and summary.

Versioning of your gem is done through lib/gem_name/version.rb. Building and publishing your gem can be done with the following command:

# This command will build, then publish your gem.
rake release