
Justin.TV API Gem

View the Project on GitHub mockra/Jtv


This library provides a complete wrapper for the Justin.TV and Twitch.TV APIs.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'jtv'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install jtv

Justin.TV API Keys

If you want access to higher rate limits for your application, then you need to sign up for a Justin.TV developer account.

Once you have your API Keys, you can set them up using the configuration guide below.


  Jtv.configure do |config|
    config.consumer_key = YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY
    config.consumer_secret = YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET

If you want to make requests on behalf of a specific user, then you need to instantiate a client.

  @client = Jtv::Client.new oauth_token: 'users_token',
    oauth_secret: 'users_secret'


The Jtv gem offers various methods depending on the type of information you're looking for.

It's recommended to cache your requests, and to always keep your account's rate limit in mind.

Check out the RDOC.



Returns aggregate stream information for all live channels (possibly scoped by category).

  # {"average_bitrate"=>0, "streams_count"=>4346, "viewers_count"=>"142733"}

  Jtv.summary channel: 'mockra'
  # {"average_bitrate"=>0, "streams_count"=>0, "viewers_count"=>0}

You can include a channel, language, or category in your search params.


Returns stream information for all live channels. The results are sorted by the current number of viewers, with the most popular channels first.

  Jtv.list category: 'gaming', limit: 1
  # [{'name' => 'live_user_wingsofdeath'...}]

You can include a channel, category, title, language, limit, and offset.


Returns stream information for the live channels that match a search query. The results are sorted by the current number of viewers, with the most popular channels first.

  Jtv.search 'gaming', limit: 1
  # [{'name' => 'live_user_steven_bonnell_ii'...}]

The first argument is your search query, and you can also pass limit and offset as params.



Returns extended information for a user, specified by user id or login.

  Jtv.user_show 'mockra'
  # {"id"=>22056792...}

Pass in a user's login.


Get all channels who are favorites of a user.

  Jtv.favorites 'mockra'
  # [{}]

Pass in a user's login.



Returns extended information for a channel, specified by channel id or login. Requires OAuth authentication for private channels.

  Jtv.channel_show 'apidemo'
  # {'login'=>'apidemo'...}

Pass in a login or id for the channel.


Get users who are fans of a channel. Requires OAuth authentication for private channels.

  Jtv.fans id: 'officecam'
  # [{'id'=>23}]

Login must be included for the channel. Optional limit and offset params (defaults are 20 for limit and 0 for offset). Results returned are limited to 100. Results are returned in create date order.


Get archives from a given channel. Requires OAuth authentication for private channels.

  Jtv.archives id: 'dotahut', limit: 2
  # [{'video_codec' => 'AVC'}, {}]

channel id or login must be included as a param. Optional limit and offset params (defaults are 20 for limit and 0 for offset). Results returned are limited to 100. Results are returned in create date order


Get embed code for a channel.

  Jtv.embed 'justin', volume: 50
  # "<object></object>"

You can supply params volume, publisher_guard (for the default channel password to try), height, width, and watermark_position

Chat Embed

Get chat embed code for a channel.

  Jtv.chat_embed 'justin', height: 1000
  # "<iframe></iframe>"

You can supply params height and width.


Contributions and feedback are more than welcome and highly encouraged.

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request



